Long Live The New Apple Smartphone And Samsung Kings - Q2 Earnings Report

Long Live The New Apple Smartphone And Samsung Kings - Q2 Earnings Report

We had a major change in the last quarter, especially in the world of smartphones. The trend has been lurking in the shadows for a while, but the changing of the guard has been evident in Q2. Only four manufacturers of mobile phones are very popular actually making money now - Apple, Samsung, HTC and RIM - and the first two times than Nokia as the kings of the volume of smartphones for the first time in 15 years, since the Nokia 9000 was invented.
Another important takeaway is the death of the phone function, the first time since the 3 rd quarter of 2009. Research firms peg down a "regular phone" shipments of around 4%, for the benefit of the Swiss boxcutter gadgets -. Smartphone individual companies, like Samsung, Nokia and LG, have also said that the telephone sales function of the portfolio has decreased because of cell phones, Android, Symbian OS or Windows Mobile-Mind 7, and this is reflected positively in the average price of Sales (ASP) of a meter.

The biggest surprise, because we have become accustomed to these quarters "burst" of Apple's late, it was actually a Samsung, so start with the world's second largest producer by volume.


Samsung stopped reporting the number of phones sold difficult or ASP, speaking instead of cryptic phrases like ". Increase of 10% high," said investor relations Samsung boss: "As competition intensifies, there is an increased the risk that the information we provide can affect our own business. " Rumor has it that the legal dispute with Apple is why Samsung stopped reporting on the exact amounts of smartphones, and tablets sold FeaturePhone or locate ASP.

For this reason, the figures are relevant to the total portfolio, including tablets, which can skew the numbers a bit, but not by much, since we can not imagine that Samsung managed to sell millions of records Galaxy in the neighborhood. In addition, the ASP board "could be considered similar to that of high end phones such as Galaxy II S, which is the same for the tablets Motorola, LG and RIM, as the figures hover over half a million simple mail anyway. An exception was the iPad, which sends out a lot, so they are included separately for illustration.

Using different sets of calculations Samsung smartphone sales, the number may be linked to from 17.3000000 to 19.2000000 phones - even a small selection of more than 16.7 million Nokia. Here comes the kicker - compared to Q2 2010, when we had 3.1 million smartphones Samsung, the number of today will be amazing + 550% growth. This is a real tribute to the great success of its Galaxy line of Android, which was introduced last year, and further proof that an innovative home-made technology, such as the Super AMOLED display and chipset-based ARM really make a difference with consumers.

Samsung also reported its operating margin increased in recent years, 13.7% - as shown in the table below, the OM has been increasing, which indicates a healthy product mix. In the third quarter, the Galaxy S II eventually appear on U.S. companies, and people taking out of the next iPhone, Samsung may even surpass Apple in sales of smartphones.


We can write volumes on their fourth album, but let's say two words - Greater China, which reported $ 4.8 billion in revenue, even surprising Tim Cook. Beijing's streets are flush with luxury cars in Germany and Italy, the Nanjing Road shopping district is booming, and the desire to show that the Chinese are obviously the warming of the brand image of Apple. We can only imagine what will happen when China Mobile and China Telecom with its millions of subscribers to start selling the iPhone next.

In what is becoming a tradition, Apple hacked 2 / 3 of earnings in the telephony sector, with only 6% of the market and there seems to be something on the horizon to prevent this from happening again in the second half years.


"Elopocalypse now" is a header of the media what is happening to the largest mobile phone manufacturer in the world. He fears that Nokia Board of Directors may rely on something other than Windows Mobile, Android, or to stay the course with the Symbian and Meego, Elop announced prematurely in the WP switch Q1, and the destruction of trust in the brand really seen in Q2 , when Nokia reported a loss.

Perhaps concerned about the Symbian support the feeling of warmth and low-cost Android phones, people have stopped buying a Nokia smart for the sum of 34% dip in unit sales, only three months, 24.2 million in the 1 st quarter, 16.7 in Q2. 15% drop in sales of properties over the phone can be a bit 'a general shift toward smart phones, smart phones, but the depression is due mainly to the Windows Mobile Nokia call a good year before the full portfolio of these hits the market .

On the other hand, Windows Phone surely a good thing, considering all the charges against Android is just the communication was very badly timed. Nokia will pay $ 15 a license to Microsoft, but it has a special and disbursements of Redmond, as well, so it should do better in 2012. In addition, Nokia has received over $ 600 million in what he calls "the payment of royalties IPR", which is probably the Apple lump sum to settle patent disputes, and will receive royalties for the $ 11.5 each rumor of iPhone sold in the future, then, ironically, he has every reason to encourage sales of Apple, given its smartphone line was negative for the quarter.


As usual, RIM has shown that the rumors of his premature death - still commands a pretty good profit and margin, which had previously been second only to Apple, HTC, but it feels like a more in Q2, as regards the solvency margin should be. In the quarter ended in May, to use the official numbers of the gains from RIM, which is between March and May, trying to estimate in June. It 'also interesting to note that RIM is 3000000000 dollars in cash, which together with the 11% reduction in the workforce means that the company has every chance to overcome the difficult moments, and live happily niche it has carved over the years.


Only good words can be said of Taiwan's Q2. HTC nailed another record quarter exceeded the margin after the second RIM, Apple, and $ 349 ASP reporting back after the second Fruit Company. Furthermore, it seems to stop the growth of the business, doubling the number of delivered 12.1 million phones, and even slightly increase the operating margin to 15.5% at that.

Misfortunes patent disputes, however, could not complete without some sort of agreement, and felt compelled to buy S3 Graphics $ 300 million as a pure game of patents, which inevitably reflects the financial statements.


LG shipments increased slightly in the first quarter - a traditionally slow quarter - to 24.8 million handsets, which means that the third-largest mobile phone manufacturer controls about 7% of the market. Apple behind your back, however, and in the coming quarters could be number three in the volume itself. LG sales up 11% over the first quarter and its losses were down both quarter on quarter and year to year due to higher ASP as a result of sales growth of the smartphone and measures to reduce its fixed costs.

Sony Ericsson

The Japanese promised cool Android phones with lots of support, unlike last year, and they deliver to phones like the Xperia arc. Sony Ericsson took 11% of world income and Android, but the company was greatly affected by the earthquake and tsunami in March and said he would have delivered more than 1.5 million phones except for the wrath of Mother Nature. As a result, operating profit and margins negative for the second quarter, but we expect this trend will reverse in the quarter.


The key to remove the quarter ending in June for us is not that Apple and Samsung smartphone Nokia exceeded the volume for the first time. Neither the fact that Apple has $ 10 billion is largely based on a telephone years, his iPads, and sales increased in Asia, which shows great potential for expansion and sent the stock above 400 $ for the first time.

What caught our attention is Samsung 500 +% growth in smartphones - it's really amazing what Samsung do here, and this sale is likely to come mainly from the pocket of Nokia, but analysts say that the Koreans could have Nokia used even more problems.

Samsung could become a major competitor of Apple and a real threat, which explains all the legal skirmishes waged against it by Apple. With this growth rate, and the remarkable Samsung Galaxy S II to enter more markets, including the United States this quarter, Samsung and Apple could surpass as the leading smartphones in Q3. As for the holiday period - is a mystery, considering the next iPhone is likely released in September / October.

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